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Drag and drop to shuffle properties of components doesnt work with new UI. It work fine on old one.

Hey @Petr_Sevcovic, thank you for reaching out! This might be potentially a bug, I’ve flagged this internally to the teams. Will get back to you, once I get more information on this. Appreciate your patience in the meantime!

Thank you,


Hey @Petr_Sevcovic, apologies for the delayed response!

The team has confirmed it’s working for them, but they’d like to investigate on your file.

Are you feeling confident in sharing your file in the Forum? Could you provide a direct link to the file here, and invite with “can edit” permission so we can look into this further? Note that users with emails on your team do not count towards your billing.

If don’t want to share your file link here, I can create a support ticket on your behalf.

Please let me know, how you’d like to proceed.

I have the same issue in my files

Hey @Bart_Van_Hecke, thank you for reaching out!

Are you able to share a file link with us and invite with “can edit” permission?

I can forward this to the team to investigate further.

Hi Gayani, here is the link:

I pasted a sample into a new file, but it has the exact same issue. As the original file is quite an extensive design system, I’m a bit wary on giving outsiders edit-rights. Hope you don’t mind. Thx

Hey @Bart_Van_Hecke, apologies for the delayed response!

Thanks for sharing the file, I’ve seen a similar post (Unable to Reorder Properties on Component Set ) where users have reported similar issues. This is currently being investigated by our engineers.

I am going to merge your post so you can receive the update on the main post once a fix has been issued.

Appreciate your patience in the meantime!

A post was merged into an existing topic: Unable to Reorder Properties on Component Set
