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Hi I’m currently working on a large project but my Figma was displaying as offline I have reloaded the page but I am now getting this error

" Connection error: -2

Your computer may be offline or the Figma server may be experiencing problems."

Just before this is was doing some strange things (like adding extra padding to components) when displaying on colleges screen. Can any one help please?

Hi there! Sorry to hear this is happening.

Does this happen on desktop app, browser app or both? Our supported browsers are Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft Edge.

As a first workaround, please ask your IT department or systems administrator to unblock Port 443. If you’re accessing Figma using a VPN, firewall, or proxy, your port needs to be unlocked behind the firewall or VPN, you can have more information in this article.

If this still doesn’t help, I’d recommend you to reach out directly to the support team by filling out this form for further investigation: here

Please make sure to use your Figma email account, and send over the desktop debug logs (here’s the article how to find it) so our technical quality specialist can have a deeper look at your issue. Thanks!
