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I’ve been experiencing this issue with some of my new icons with color variables. When I create a new icon and add the default color variable to it (all layers are named the same), and want to change the color in a selected or hover state of a component, some icons in component instances are not changing color when changing the state of the component. It also doesn’t want to swap, detach or remove it. Is this a bug? Anyone else with the same issue?

In the recording I have changed the state of the tab item to selected, and the icon should be black/“neutral”, but it is stuck on the default color of the icon (“neutral-subdued”)

Hi there,

Thanks for reaching out. I’m trying to identify if it’s a bug and asking internally too, but would you be able to share the file link with access to It won’t affect your billing. I hope I can investigate it further.



@y_toku I’ve shared both files now, named “Web components Library”, where you can find the tabs to test and “Foundations Library” where the icons are.

Thank you!

Thank you for sharing the file link! Our team has had a preliminary look and we suspect there might be a bug. Could you kindly follow the steps in the attached article to file a bug report?

Figma Learn - Help Center

Thanks for your patience!

