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hey guys, can somebody please help me! i ran into some issues with my color styles - see the attached image.

i have different color styles, one of them is white 100%. but everytime i select it it shows some light orange color, even though the circle indicates it is white. but if i check for the details its still that light orange. i just dont get what is going in my figma file.

can anyone help me please?

cheers eric

How does your style definition look like? In the file where you defined the color style and published it

I am running into the same issue and it seems to be only happening on one of my files for some reason. Does anyone have a fix on this?

I am having this same issue. The style definition shows the correct color, and the correct color appears in all files except the one. Any solutions?

I have same issue. This is weird and i have couldnt find a solution yet!! 😑


When I detached the style its turning to red color


same here and this is driving me nuts! all my dark grey fonts color are turning into white color and itโ€™s ruining my mockups. Is this a Figma bug or something weโ€™ve done lol
