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Hi there,

We have a team library with components, and other project files using instances of these components. When publishing changes to the master component in the source file (library) we stopped receiving the “Review and accept library updates” notification in other project files and obviously component instances were not updating.

Yesterday (17.01.2023), this notification was appearing but the changes were still not applied in component instances in other files.

This is an important issue, as all our work relies on the libraries working properly. Urgent help would be appreciated.


UPDATE: I tried solution #3 from this thread and it is still not working.

I have the same exact issue. I’ve update the main component but my instance component in other files does not change and also the properties in the component is the old version

I am also seeing this issue. The layers within in the main component are changed but it doesn’t show in the children not in the origin file.

Hey All,

To try to repair the connection with the components and the library can you please try the following:

  1. Open the file with the instance with the issue and select the instance

  2. In the top left click the main menu and click ‘Quick Actions’

  3. Search the command “repair component connections” and click this to run this command

  4. Once complete refresh the page, then try publishing a new change and check if the update shows in the file

I have tried this back then too, it didn’t work. However, Figma released an update to fix the issue I was talking about, and apparently not only me. It is working fine now.

This issue came back for me around 2 days ago. Tried the steps listed above and it didn’t work. Any suggestions? Wait for an update?

I have the same issue but the notification about the update does not show.

Hey, we have also had the same issue and what helped was for everyone apart from one person to get out of the file, multiple people working on the same components and file was causing the problem. Then Figma refreshed itself and started registering the component updates in the library.

We are also experiencing this same issue.

Changes are being published, but none of the components are being updated. If I drag the updated component from the asset panel then it’s indeed the latest version, but we have so many child components that this isn’t a feasible way of doing it every time a change happens.

We’ve been dealing with this for many days now.

Now it suddenly started working. It’s very come-and-go and has caused about 3 hours of delay in work today. Please fix this ASAP as it’s costing a lot of man-hours and delays.

I have the same issue. I changed an item in a library component and the changes do not show up in an already existing file. I tried all the solutions mentioned here but it does nothing. Even if I change the component, it doesn’t show up as a possibility to update the other file either. Please fix this!

And randomly other components show up that apparently were updated, yet they were not changed, so they shouldn’t even appear in the “Publish New Version” area. WEIRD

Same. This is super frustrating. I’ve spent the last month working on a brand-new design system for my company, everything worked fine last week, and now one of the most asked-for components is not updating.

I tried the “Repair Component Connections” trick, but it didn’t work.

I’m having the same issue here! Super frustrating!

The issue is really terrible. I can’t keep working. Please fix it

Just happened to me too. The solution didn’t help!

Mine is also not working 😦 tried refresh, changing browser, changing to and from app, republishing and that solution and nothing has worked. Pease help!

Same issue its very frustrating… The message that usually shows up saying to updates the components that have been changed in the library wont show up anymore in my design file. Can you please fix this.

Super frustrated as well, and I finally have it working again. I did two things, and I am not sure if 1 was part of the solution, so try 2 first:

  1. (desperation) I cut and pasted the entire board (CTRL-X > CTRL-V) - all elements/components etc.

  2. Click “Assets” in the side bar, click the library book icon, and you’ll get the Libraries/Updates popup. Click “Updates” on the right, and update them all.

I now get the automatic “Component updates available” popup. Hope 2 works for you as well.

I am having the same issues, basically Figma is telling me that libraries are published but once I update them in the other files, half of the components are not changed. None of the listed solutions works for me.

I’m having this issue too. The notification of updates on the component is showing but nothing changes on the file. Hope Figma fix this ASAP!

Us too - getting “Publishing Successful” message, but changes aren’t applying and styles aren’t updating… I also have team members that are not getting updates from files (not even showing that there are updates to pull in) - in some cases it eventually shows up - 5 days later (literally)…

I was in contact with Figma support for the past few days and it was fixed on my end, today i asked them is smt was fixed in the code by email so we’ll see. The message reappeared this morning to update the instances of a library components. I hope its back to normal for all of you as well.

I had some errors in the components that needed to be addressed. After resolving the errors it published and was updated across the files.

I still have these problems from once in a while… I wasted a day trying to fix it since it blocks me from progressing in the work.


I spoke to Figma and they figured out what happend on my end, maybe it helps some of you.

If you have variants applied to a library component, all labels must have a unique name. Figma displays a conflict error if variants have the same value, but if you have a library component and the setting labels are called the same, this conflict error is not displayed. The system recognizes it as a conflict and therefore it won’t update the component until it is fixed, so it will never show up in your updates, even if you think you have published it.

Make sure all labels in your settings are unique.

Here was my mistake to give you an example (see image attached). We have two secondary buttons in the toolbar library component. The value can be off/on, so no conflict there, but because there are two items called secondary button, the system cannot map it correctly and the “conflict” was never communicated to me, so I did not know this was the reason why my component would not update and be published.

Thank you! This helped me with publishing an update in library 👍

  • In my case my work-file still didn’t suggest an update popup - so it seemed to be needed to relink the compoment instanses in work-file artboards - then it worked.

(JFI: maybe it will be usefull for somebody for relinking the component. I additionally updated the name of the main component before relink (just added some dot at the end) - thus I could see on the sidebar by the the name the difference and check which component is updated (or not). Seems like Figma in the work-file finally got this difference as well 😉

For some time now I have not been able to update my design files that use the shared library. No updates are displayed. All the suggested solutions have not helped me out of this big problem 😦 Maybe this is a temporary technical issue.
