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Hello everyone,

I’m developing a Figma plugin using the create-figma-plugin toolkit by Yuanqing. I’m encountering two problem

  1. Whenever I modify the UI of my plugin—such as changing fonts, colors, or other styles—the changes do not reflect when I run the plugin in Figma.I’ve tried rebuilding the plugin after making changes, but the UI remains the same.

  2. Error When Running npm run watch When I execute npm run watch, I receive the following error message:

node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.dom.d.ts:16669:13 - error TS2451: Cannot redeclare block-scoped variable ‘console’.

16669 declare var console: Console;



11 const console: Console


‘console’ was also declared here.

Found 2 errors. Watching for file changes.

This error seems to be related to TypeScript typings conflicting with Figma's plugin typings.

Additionally, when I install `@create-figma-plugin/ui` or `@create-figma-plugin/utilities` separately, I encounter different errors.
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