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I have a file with components library and bunch of applied variables to them. When I importing this file into another I have an issue - size-type variables does not show up in design mode. But it exists in dev mode. Colors and text variables it’s not the case.



Hi @Alexander_Klimov, Thanks for reaching out about this.

Let me confirm my understanding. Are you stating that the number variable applied is not visible in the property during design mode, but it appears in the inspect panel during dev mode?

If that’s the case, it seems like the tool isn’t behaving as expected. It could be difficult to troubleshoot without reviewing the actual files and following the import steps.

While we await feedback from our community, I can assist by creating a ticket for you. By sharing the necessary details within the ticket (such as related files URL with our support team as editors and import process steps), our support team can take a closer look. If you’re ready to proceed with creating a ticket, please let us know!

If any community members have insights to share on this matter, please feel free to do so. Your contributions are always valued.

Thanks once again for reaching out.
