I’ve just published a library containing Material Design icons as components in my design file and when I search for any of those components Figma does not find anything. What am I missing? Thank you
In the last day or two when I search for a component in my local file or a linked library, Figma’s search seems to be completely broken.
Ex: When searching for a ‘Home’ icon in a linked library, I used to type ‘home’ into the search bar, and the icon I was after appeared right at the top. Now when I attempt the same search, the icon I’m looking for is either not in the results at all, or sometimes at the bottom of the list.
My most inserted component is probably ‘button’ but when I searched for it today in the insert menu, it was nowhere to be found. I ended up copying an instance from somewhere else on the canvas and resetting it to default.
Is anyone else experiencing this problem? It’s seriously hampering my workflow.
This is my workaround solution. I hope this helps you guys swap the instance.
Step 1: Copy the name of the instance that you want to swap.
Step 2: Open the Actions menu (Ctrl + K).
Step 3: Paste the instance name.
Step 4: Click the Assets tab.
Step 5: Click Swap Instance.
I still have the old UI don’t know if they only rolled out the new one for certain customers but maybe this is why the search function doesnt work because its trying to merge the 2 updates?
Just tried this on my file, but no luck sadly.
Having the same issue - you can easily replicate it by duplicating our Relume Figma Kit and then try searching for “Layout 1” and it’ll be no where to be found. This was a key way that people would use our Relume Figma Kit and with the search being this broken, has severely hindered this experience.
relume.ioYeah, this issue is back again for me too. My previous solution is not working anymore for me either. My most relevant search results are at the very bottom of the list now.
I’m also encountering this same issue in our multitude of libraries at Atlassian, with the most relevant search result being shown at the bottom of the results list. Given the number of components and libraries we have enabled, this bug can really slow us down.
Same issue - library components appear in my suggestions recent but not my search
Thanks all for flagging this issue. We’ve filed a bug report internally. We’ll keep you posted in this forum thread if there’s any update.
Thanks for your patience.
when I try to search library icon in Shift+I panel.
here is old UI’s panel,works
and here is UI3’s panel
Figma support got back to me very quickly and it seems as they have fixed the issue for me 🎉 I don’t know about everyone else?
Having the same problem and it’s somewhat new. I do have the updated desktop app, and this week started to not search for components within the popup, like everyone else.
A few people here have mentioned they’re having this issue with local components. I’ve been having this issue and here’s what I’ve seen:
- The issue shows up when searching Components in the Resources menu (Shift + I), or in the Instance Swap submenu when configuring a component
- Oddly, the issue doesn’t show up when selecting the “Assets” tab in the left sidebar
- I believe the problem is that the search results are backwards for the given query. For example, when working with an icon library, when I type “arrow left” into the search bar, I get results in the correct order in the Assets tab, but in the reverse order in the Resources > Components search and the Instance Swap search.
Again, this is just for searching through local components. The behavior I’m seeing may or may not be related to searching for library components—I haven’t confirmed that.
Hi all,
Thank you for your patience while we investigated this. Our engineering team deployed a fix for this now, can you please try refreshing your Figma files/restarting the app, and if you do continue to have any search issues, please do let us know.
Thanks again!
Hi Yasuhiko. I do believe this was fixed at the time you posted this message. In the last few days it has started happening again. We did publish our icon assets and then update design files. The search fails to find any of those assets when we search them. Should this be a potential trigger?
Hi there,
Thanks for flagging! Could you share where this issue occurs? Is it happening only when swapping instances, or does it also occur during an asset search? If you could share a video recording of the issue, that would be really helpful.
Just sent you a video recording as direct message 🙂
I am facing the same issue since yesterday!!! Cant find any of the components nor the libraries.
Hi there,
Thanks for flagging this. This could be a regression issue, so could you submit a bug report detailing the steps that led to this issue? You can do so by following the link: https://help.figma.com/hc/en-us/articles/360041468234-Submit-a-bug-report
Our technical support team will look into it!
Thanks for your understanding.
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