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Working on a simple Fig file. I have a couple of design pages in it with some shape blocking for a new app. The blocks are all inside a Layout. Everything was working fine.

Making edits I tried to select and resize one of the objects inside the layout, suddenly I can’t move or resize any object inside the layout. Then suddenly I could, then it stopped again and nothing I do can unwind it.

It’s almost like the layout is locked, but it isn’t…? I also can’t move the objects inside the layout outside of the layout to work with them.

Super frustrating… basically this has blown up my workflow. Is there a bug related to layouts in Fig files? Is there a way to unwind this?



Hi there,

Thanks for reaching out. Since I haven’t checked the file yet, I might be missing some details.

First off, I believe there are Layout Grids and Constraints involved. You can combine Layout Grids with Constraints to create flexible layouts, allowing for more precise control over how objects behave when resized.You can find more information here:

Figma Learn - Help Center

I thought these might be affecting the behavior you’re experiencing. If you still can’t resolve the issue, would you be able to share the file link with access to It won’t affect your billing. I hope I can investigate it further.


