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I’m having trouble accessing DEV MODE here.

The things is, the Design that I need to select the dev mode is on “View only” for me. I found it odd because I have a professional plan, the professional plan has DESIGN SEAT, which has DEV MODE included. I have FULL design seat, FULL FigJam Seat and I’m ADMIN. Yet, I can’t select the dev mode in this design because it’s on VIEW ONLY when I’m on it. Also, When i pass the dev mode option, it appears the message “This file is being moved, dev mode will be available soon”, which makes no sense, because I can see if someone is moving it as it has “multi” people permission on this design. That’s the odd part.

Support asked me to change the project’s permission one by one, and me and the person that needs it, we both have “Can Edit” permission.

But nothing, can anyone help with that?

Hi, if the file belongs to a team that you’re not a member of you cannot access Dev Mode on this file even if you pay for a full seat (on your team). This is thanks to Figmas confusing pricing plans and weird feature access decisions, some might even say it is a scam. 🙃

Are you able to duplicate the file to your team’s drafts and see if you can access Dev Mode there? However, I guess you need edit access for that file to do that.
