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Setting the scene:

I’ve got an ‘after delay’ animated component that is fixed position over a sidebar (also fixed position). This page is scrollable, so the main content is longer than the frame size (This is important)

The problem:

These components have some animation on them. When the animation starts, it ignores the layer order and does the animation underneath the sidebar. Once the animation has stopped, they then get set to be above the sidebar. This means you don’t see the animation and the component is invisible until it ‘stops’ the animations.

fixes (Hacks):

  1. create an entire ‘sidebar’ component and have the animated components inside that

  2. group or frame all of the components.

my understanding of why its doing this:

With my limited understanding of how Figma is built, it seems like the z-index is being applied at the fixed layers route level items but not to the animations, causing animations to be displayed “bottom first” and then swapped once the animation has ended. Z-index is not applied to children of the group in the fixed layers area, so grouping them resolves the problem.

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