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I’m on Professional Plan so I assume there is no limit for Team Members.

However, I would like to know if there is any limit of collaborators (editors or viewers) – added individually – in a project or a file.

And one more question: Is there any limit of users simultaneously viewing particular file?


If you’re on the professional plan there are no limits in terms of the editors added to the team or a file, however each editor is billed to the plan.

You can add as many viewers as you’d like to a file as well.

There are some limits on the number of simultaneously viewers which should show an alert once you hit that.

Hope this helps. 🙂 You can learn more about the Professional plan in our help center here:

Thanks for the answer.

Could you please define „some limits”? We would like to be prepared before inviting too many participants.

It’s a limit of 50 simultaneous users. At that point you’ll get a dialog like this:


Thank you Josh for your support!

“each editor is billed to the plan”

Can you be more specific? If I add editors to my team within the professional plan I will be billed separately. I don’t understand that very well. Thank you

Hey @Consultor_UX, sorry for the confusion and delayed reply!

Josh, who was originally monitoring this topic, left Figma earlier this month.

You will be billed for every new member you add to your team with “can edit” access to your files.
