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so i was designing an interface page of my own case study of a particular app,

and while adding scroll interaction to the design, the prototype shows undesirable result. it is tons of extra white space while scrolling (above the “deliver to” information and below the “add promo” button)

while my intention is the scrolling mechanisms to the only scroll without that extra white space.

so how do you fix the scrolling?

i hope this problem is clear stated. i already looked on few tutorials on youtube, try to fix it based on videos, and i tried to tinkering around, there is missing context in my problem.

hoping to see someone with similar problems or even having also facing this problem.

Design file:

Figma – 17 Jul 21

Hi @Faisal_Isfan, I looked at your file and found what affects scrolling. This is the “Place order page 3” image layer that is in the mask. Because this image is outside the frame, large white spaces appear in the scrolling frame. Just use a frame instead of a group (Group 46) or crop the image to the size you want.

And you don’t have to use vertical scrolling for the “Scroll-Able” frame. Just enlarge the “Checkout Page” and “Scroll-Able” frames to fit all the content. Vertical scrolling will work anyway.

A similar situation due to masks: Horizontal Scroll issue

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