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Hei Figma, how might I see the list of users that I gave access to as developers, when they requested for “Dev mode”? They are all currently listed as having a Full Design seat. Is this what this is? A full design seat, as in they can edit all of the design files? Please separate these 2 roles as they are not identical.

Hey @Roxana_Patrichi, sorry for the trouble and confusion!

There is a standalone Dev Mode option. But we currently don’t offer it on the Pro plan, so this currently isn’t possible for your team. The Dev Mode team is already aware of this request, and we hope to implement it in the near future.

We’ll merge your feedback over there, so be sure to also vote in order for us to accurately gauge overall interest from the community.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Add Dev Mode To Professional Subscription separately from design seat