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Thank you for your interest in the beta program. With interactive components, you can add interactions between variants and reuse them in your prototypes with no extra work.

As a member of the beta program, you’ll be able to start using interactive components before it becomes available to all Figma users. This is a great chance to start exploring the possibilities for design systems and prototyping, as long as you understand that beta features can come with some performance issues and bugs.

Sign up here →

Note: We plan on adding users to the beta periodically throughout each week and expect the wait time to be around 3 business days.

ohhh))) i sent a few emails. maybe some problems with gmail?

Which emails? You just need to fill the form and wait:

Continuing the discussion from ▶️ Sign up for the Interactive Components beta →:

Hello! i have a problem with join figma interactive components. I sent 5 inquiries to join , but i didn’t have any answers. How long you wait to join interactive components?


I applied a week ago and have not received beta approval, what should I do?

Hello there, I did 3-4 times. haven’t received any confirmation. Can you help me with this as well?

hello, is there anyway to accelerate the process? we requested beta access some days ago as a company, clients was told to wait some more days to receive the prototype in time, but we still had no news

I won’t advice to use interactive components on critical projects until they are out of Beta, there are still some glitches. You can still deliver great results without the details that interactive components allow.

Can you give us a rough idea when interactive components will be released (out of beta)?

Hi, like a lot of others on this thread I submitted my request to join the beta two weeks ago, but have not had any confirmation yet that I’ve been accepted into the beta - and can’t see any option within Figma to turn them on/off, so I’ve not been added but not notified either.

I’ve used the interactive components before under a different account whist working at a different organisation, so very keen to get this up and running on my current Figma account - having sung the praises of interactive components to my new colleagues!

Any update would be greatly appreciated.


it takes too long for us to get the access…

Exactly! This ain’t right, we have to know when the access will be given to us.

Josh, we are not receiving any communication about the beta version, and have no the access will be given to us. This does not seem right. Can you please clarify?

Just to update - I emailed as well as posting on here, and got a response pretty quickly confirming I’d been added to the beta. So may be worth those who haven’t heard back since applying just sending an email to customer support…?

I’ve been facing issues in getting interactive components activated. I’ve applied a few times through the google form but am yet to receive any intimation over mail. Can anyone help with this? Thanks!

@Gleb Hello! How can i join to the beta? 😦

I have duplicated Figma - Figma Interactive Components Playground (Beta) | Watch the recorded livestream! Simplify prototype creation with reusable, shareable interactive ... and have repeatedly submitted the Google form to request beta access but without success for now. What I can do?

The submissions are usually accepted after three business days.

Thx Gleb!

I applied for beta access for the first time on Wednesday 05/30 but have not heard from it yet. It is also true that I resubmitted the form several more times: /

Are you sure you are submitting your actual Figma account email in the form and you haven’t changed it in Figma since?

Yes, Gleb. I’ve same mail account in the form as in my account Figma.

I don’t know that could be happening. 😦

bro i have the same trouble , no email :C

hi, i have the same trouble , i use the same e mail , i need this bro , can you solve this?

yeah bro i sure i use the right e mail and never change this before , can you send the invitation to beta ? @Gleb

Hi bro, I don’t work at Figma. If it’s been more than a week since you sent the form, feel free to contact support: Submit a request – Figma

In this case you probably need to reach out to support: Submit a request – Figma

I want thattttt 😍