@Nitin_Kacharia1 Same here, would love access to this beta feature, currently I’m working on a mammoth ui and would help a ton!
@Josh Cheers for all the awesome work!
@Josh, I still have not received my interactive components beta. I originally signed up a few months ago and then tried resubmitting the form a week ago. Is there any way you can look into this or provide me access to the beta?
Thank you for creating the feature. It is a game changer!
I didn’t receive any email 😦
Hey man, thanks, I received the email now. I think it was activated before but it still doesn’t seem to work in some files which are shared in my team even if I am the owner. But, if I create a copy of it and move it to my drafts and start using it there and then move it to team, it works. Maybe a bug. Anyway, thanks.
Hi @Josh, please, could you grant me access to the interactive components? This is gonna be very helpful for a project I’m working on. 🙏🏽
Hi, I’ve requested the beta program a few days ago… could you please activate the functionality for me please? Thank you very much.
Is it still possible to try this out?
I’ve registered, but I never received a confirmation email.
hello all, just wondering how long does it take to get the beta version after filling the forum
Used forum : https://forms.gle/tAxqMQNXuNU4NYmj9
Hey everyone, just a reminder that we’re adding users in small batches to the beta each week. Due to the interest though it may take a little while, and you should usually be added within 3-5 business days. Also, everything is a bit manual at the moment so the confirmation emails aren’t always sent right when you get access. This means you might actually have access but just haven’t been notified yet.
If it’s been over 5 business days please first refresh Figma and check to see if you can turn the feature on within a file (see our help article here on how to do this). If you still don’t have access feel free to send me a PM here and I’ll be able to check in on what might be going on.
Thanks! 🙂
it’s been more than four days that I’ve sent the form, however I didn’t receive the permission yet.
Could you please help me?
Hi @Josh, please, could you grant me access to the interactive components? This is gonna be very helpful for a project I’m working on.
Hi @Josh , i’ve been registered for the beta on my professional account (romain@getstation.com) but now i need it for my personal one, could you please grant me access?
I need that feature for a demo of figma at my new job 🙂
Thank you
Hi @Josh , coudl you please verify my access to interactive componentes? I’ve registered days ago and I can’t access yet 😥
i have been over 1 week till now and now email recived to comfirm till now
hello ,I would like to know when I will receive the components T_T
Can someone verify my request? I tried several times and sometimes I didn’t even receive a confirmation email.
Hi @Josh can you please verify my profile ? i have a demo to show for a client. I’ve signed up on google form
Hi @Josh can you please verify me, this is the fifth day and still no feature or mail.
It’s been a week since I requested access to the beta version, but I haven’t received it yet. please ask if you can help me and release access in any way, in this same email.
-Alisson, Brazil
Hi Josh, how are you?
I signed up for Figma Beta a week ago and I still haven’t received the access, could you approve my application, please?
Thank you very much 🙂
Best regards
Hi Josh
I signed up 10 days ago but still haven’t received any notification. Not even if my form was submitted?
Hope you can help
hello @Josh would appreciate a push on this as I need this for a project with a deadline … also its been 6 days 🙂
Hi @Josh and @darren
I filled out the beta registration form. Can you give me access to interactive components?
Hey there, I recently signed up and would also like to have access to beta. Much appreciated.