const instance = component.createInstance()
const text = instance.children[0] // if text is the first sublayer of instance
text.characters = "New Text" // do something with text
I dunno what’s the problem but all I get is an error
TS2339: Property 'fontName' does not exist on type 'SceneNode'.
Property 'fontName' does not exist on type 'SliceNode'.
My code goes like this
const myInstance = myComponent.createInstance()
const text = myInstance.childrene1]
text.fontName = { family: "Work Sans", style: "Regular" }
text.fontSize = 14
text.characters = "My text"
I do this with multiple nodes and all the fontName
, fontSize
and characters
are highlighted with red underline in the editor with this same error.
Okay, it’s New Years and it’s 3:30am here in Finland BUT I wanted to try this before I go to sleep 😅
Thank you @Gleb 👍
I got it working 🔥
I checked the link you gave me and this is what I did:
// Function to check if node is a TextNode
function isText(node: SceneNode): node is TextNode {
return node.type === "TEXT"
// Create instance of my component
const myInstance = myComponent.createInstance()
// Get the node I want - in my case it's the 2nd layer
const myTextNode = myInstance.children[1]
// Since I know that it's a TextNode I can use my simple function
if (isText(myTextNode)) {
myTextNode.characters = "My text here"
FYI this would throw an error if myTextNode is undefined (if instance has less than two children). You can check if it’s undefined via typeof myTextNode === "undefined"
Also now TypeScript has evolved and you don’t have to put the type condition into a function with type predicate, it should work as a normal type checking condition. Like this: if (myTextNode.type === 'TEXT') { }
. However I still like the type predicate function more as you don’t have to write the same condition multiple times.