As a usability tester sharing a Figma prototype with a user, I want them to not be able to see the hotspot hints. I know I can hide the hotspots while I am in “Present” mode, but for the person I am sharing the prototype with, that option is still enabled ( the hotspots will be visible).
Expected behaviour:
- I go to Present view
- I disable the “Show hotspot hints”
- I “Share” the prototype link to user
- The user doesn’t see the hotspots.
Actual behaviour
The user sees the hotspots (in their view it’s not disabled).
I’ve uploaded a short 30 second video to demonstrate this bug. I have used two different email and browser accounts, so the inviter is a different user.
(video expires after 5 days, I can upload it again for evidence if needed).
The practical issue this bug has is significant. If I need to usability test one screen, I will send the user a Figma prototype link, which they need to share, and by the time I ask them to disable the hotspots, they have already clicked several times on the screen, invalidating the test and therefore wasting the recruitment effort, incentive for user and all attendees’ time.
Thanks for having the patience to understand what the issue is. Hopefully there is a hidden option that solves this already.