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I downloaded a .fig file and am trying to open it with a different Figma account. I’m getting this error message: “Access denied: video uploads can only be performed on files that belong to a subscribed team”

To my knowledge, there isn’t a video upload and am fine with the upload without the video file. How do I remove the video file within this Figma so I can import the file? I’m currently on a free account.

This error exibe to me too. I downloaded a .fig file, my account its free and dont have a video in my file.

@Laura_Lopez1 @Mariana_Carretero

This is an odd issue I haven’t come across before – since these seem to be affecting certain files for each of you, I think our support team will need to intervene with you both directly to see if they can replicate.

Could you both do the following when you have a moment?

  1. First, if you are able, please share edit access to the file you’re having this issue with to This is the official support email for file sharing. You will not be charged for this, and this will allow support to access the file to test.

  2. Second, fill out a ticket on this page: – this will route your issue to the correct agent.

Please note responses may be slower, as Figma is currently observing a winter holiday. Appreciate your patience in the meantime!

Just figured it out. Looks like you need to be on a paid account to access those files. I had the same problem; tried importing a file on a current free account that was made on another account that was part of a paid team. I upgraded my current account just to try because I’m on a deadline to open and work on this file, and it ended up importing correctly. I don’t recall having videos on that file either, and I don’t know what features in the file would make Figma consider it having premium features. I was able to open some other files that were created in a paid account too, just not this one.

Thanks @Andrea_Tseng1! This is correct – I had assumed that everyone here was on a paid plan, so that was wrong on my part. Appreciate you jumping in!