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I’d like Figma links to open in the Mac desktop app, but they only open in the browser. The option to “Open in App” doesn’t exist in my Preferences menu in Figma in either the browser or desktop app.

I’ve tried reinstalling the app, reloading all tabs, and restarting my Mac –– of the things recommended here:

This randomly started happening for me (Mac, Firefox) and nothing I tried fixed it.

I ended up installing this Firefox extension which solved the problem for me.

I am using Velja: ‎Velja on the Mac App Store to work around this issue

I tried everything. Finally this helped, thanks!

@dvaliao I have tried all of the three suggestion mentioned above: logging out and back in, clearing your desktop app’s cache, un-installing and re-installing the desktop app and I still can’t see the option to open links in the app in the preferences menu. Please advice me on how to proceed

When I tried to clear the cache the app didn’t respond and I couldn’t use it. I waited approx 10 minutes and then I force quit it, so not sure if that step actually completed the cache clearance or not

Hi all, does this “solution” on the top worked for someone? I tried it and I doesn´t change anything although after new login via browser and enabling in the dialog “alow Figma links always oppen in app”. Any ideas? (using Brave)

hi, I had the same issue with clearing cache …

I have the same issue. macOS 13.5.1, Firefox 116.0.3, Figma 116.12.2. Clearing the desktop app cache didn’t do anything for me, neither did reinstalling the app, or clearing the browser cache.

I fixed it by disabling uBlock Origin on Huh. You might wanna look into that.

This is the solution – thanks!

Found a fix, working for me now.

I use Brave browser which has heavy shields and tracking blocking features (other browsers like chrome, safari also have similar blockers).

  1. I disabled the trackers and blockers for the Figma website. (Present beside the URL bar for each website when opened)

  2. Reloaded the web page and I got the Open in Desktop App option

  3. Non-mandatory step: re-install the desktop app post steps 1 and 2.

Soham, this is the solution - simply brilliant.

It seems it’s not Figma… it’s how the browser handles/blocks links.

On a side note, this also means that I can go back to Brave as my default browser.

It seems it’s not Figma… it’s how the browser and any extensions handle/block links.

Thanks for your comment! Logged into my account in browser and the link was automatically opened in Figma app in less than 1 min 🎉 🎉 🎉

None of this worked for me and I try to prevent sites and apps from tracking me as much as possible. I wrote a simple bookmarklet to open links in the Figma app.

To use this, make a bookmark in your browser for any site—I’d suggest having it as whatever your browser considers a Favorite so it’s easily accessible. Go and edit the link and paste in the following javascript:

javascript:(function() {
var oldUrl = window.location.href;
var newUrl = oldUrl.replace(/^https:\/\/www\.figma\.com\//, 'figma://');
window.location.href = newUrl;

This works on macOS Sonoma. I have no clue how Windows works, but perhaps this works here too.

This absolutely worked for me and has now fixed it when I have Chrome or other browsers open!!!

Having this issue in Safari. It just won’t detect the Figma app. It’s a fresh login and app install.

Seems to be a tracking issue. Chrome seems to work.

Yes with Safari if Disable trackers and for website with still won’t work. I tried with Brave Browsers and it worked but I prefer use safari

Hello. This issue is not resolving for me. I’ve tried everything mentioned in this thread - but Safari is just not cooperating.

Any recent updates or ideas???

This seems to be a new issue in Safari for me. I’ve tried disabling the trackers, but no luck. Worse than not opening in the app by default, instead of the “Open in app” option I get in other browsers, Safari only shows the “Get app” option, which triggers a download for the Figma app. Essentially there is currently no way for me to open a link in the Figma app that doesn’t involve a second browser other than Safari. Pretty annoying!

This helps – 17 Jun 21

with safari duplicate a bookmark and change name to open in Figma and change address according this post: Figma links always open in browser, not desktop app - #66 by Kevan_Loy

The problem is iCloud+ Private Relay. It’s blocking tracking

Would be great to have an actual fix for this with Safari. Compromising security for the entire browser isn’t really a suitable workaround, in my opinion.

Alright I figured this out! it is because of private relay being turned on with the new update

Protect your web browsing with iCloud Private Relay on iPhone - Apple Support.

You need to turn it off and then restart your computer and you will be golden!!

My headache is now resolved 😅

You need to go turn off your private relay, I just figured this out and it fixed my problems Protect your web browsing with iCloud Private Relay on iPhone - Apple Support.