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  1. Describe the problem your experiencing and how your idea helps solve this


    All the client UI elements had been scaled, and my design have turned to fuzzy. Pixel preview function also display fuzzy and blur outlines

  2. Add as much context as possible (screenshots, Figma files, mockups, etc.)


    See attached screen, and I am using macOS Monterey

    In dev tool, you can see the window.devicePixelRatio have been changed, itโ€™ ok at browser as 1 and scaled to 0.899999 at client.

  3. Ask questions to bring the community into the conversation

    (e.g. Does anyone else experience this? Is anyone using a plugin or workaround to help solve this?, etc.


    Now workaround is to use browser to open figma, but itโ€™s too inconvenient.

Set the scale of the interface to 100%.

Figma Help Center

Itโ€™s works. many thanks!

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