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Please, add constraints to Sections in FigJam.

I was creating a UI Review fedback board and realised that my team needs to expand the section I created as a template. It would be awesome if they could just resize the section and everything went along with.

Or at least if I pull a component from Figma, when I expand respect the constraints not only change the size.

Thanks 😃

Hello @Igor_Sandrini1, Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us and welcome to our community!

I’ve observed that another community member has already posted a similar idea here. Therefore, I will merge your idea with theirs to consolidate all similar feedback in one location for better visibility and to stimulate conversation. Please feel free to vote on that post to indicate your support.

Once again, thank you for your valuable input.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Figma Components Should Adhere to Constraints When Used in FigJam