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Hi Figma Team and Community!

I’ve been working extensively with variables, and I’ve found that there’s currently no way to copy or duplicate a collection of variables within the same file. This would be extremely helpful when managing multiple versions or iterations of designs that use similar variables across collections.

It would be great to have a feature that allows us to easily:

  • Duplicate entire variable collections within a file.

  • Copy specific variables from one collection to another.

This would save a lot of time compared to manually recreating variables and collections. Is this something that’s on the roadmap or being considered? I’m sure many other users would benefit from this feature as well!

Thanks in advance!

Nitin Sonwane

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Copy/Move variable groups into other collections

Hey there! Thanks for your feedback, I’ve gone ahead and merged it with an existing topic to help reduce duplicates here: Copy/Move variable groups into other collections

Also, thank you @AntoineP for flagging it! 🙂