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reopening the idea first started by Nipurn_Doshi

Allow designers to set one frame/section as the default focus so that when a stakeholder like PM/Engineer randomly opens a page in Figma project, they can see the right things designers want them to look at. A lot of times, stakeholders get to the right frames/sections when links with frames are shared. But then they often navigate to different parts of the file and it is difficult for them to see where to look at in a page.

Hi @Amanda2, Thanks for bringing this to our attention! I see how having your suggestion would be beneficial.

I’ve gone ahead and opened up the topic you mentioned for further discussion and merged your suggestion with that topic at Default focus on a section/frame on page load. Hopefully, this will help shine a spotlight on the idea.

On a related note, I also found a thread from our community members discussing a similar concept. You might find it interesting, so feel free to check it out when you have a moment: Maintain link on a frame when moving to another page/file

Your input is incredibly valuable, and we really appreciate you taking the time to contribute.

Thanks again!

A post was merged into an existing topic: Default focus on a section/frame on page load