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When creating variables, it would be really useful to be able to include maths and text when defining a variable, which are kept up-to-date based on current values.


With a shopping basket, I have the following variable

• Subtotal# (numeric)

Into which I add the value of each product selected in the basket.

From this value I would like to calculate

• VAT# (numeric) = Subtotal * 20%, truncated to 2 decimal places

And then display these variables in a currency

• Subtotal£ (String) = “£” + Subtotal#

• VAT£ (String) = “£” + VAT#

• Total£ (# String) = “£” + Subtotal#+VAT#

This way, I could just add/remove the product costs from Subtotal#, and use the strings for display in the prototype.

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