Hello everyone
My name is Bart, I’m a game ui/ux designer. I use figma for design and prototyping. What a brilliant tool I send my prototypes to ui developers as references and figma works great here. but figma has a few more places that can be developed to fully prototype the game ui, for example, the ability to add sound for hover and click and the option for background music.
So what do you think about this add-on to make it possible
I made a simple game menu for example, and it would be great if you could add some sound to it.
There is a demo at the link
>DEMO](Hello everyone My name is Bart, I’m a game ui/ux designer. I use figma for design and prototyping. What a brilliant tool I send my prototypes to ui developers as references and figma works great here. but figma has a few more places that can be developed to fully prototype the game ui, for example, the ability to add sound for hover and click and the option for background music. So what do you think about this add-on to make it possible I made a simple game menu for example, and it would be great if you could add some sound to it. There is a demo at the link https://www.figma.com/proto/jdyAFeOUbdfhhyM75OANma/MAIN-MENU-SCREENS?page-id=0%253A1&node-id=1156%3A2755&viewport=1296%252C-178%252C0.1&scaling=min-zoom&starting-point-node-id=1156%3A2755)