Specify the editor type in the manifest.json
Thanks Tank, I`m leaving the full manifest code here for future consultation
"name": "AEUX",
"id": "864522107465619637",
"api": "1.0.0",
"main": "dist/code.js",
"ui": "dist/ui.html",
"editorType": [
Thank you! This fixed it for me!
My manifest file reads exactly like this so I’m not sure why I am getting an error message here
figured out my goof. You have to open the readme.md file( just dropped it into a browser window) here is the excerpt below:
This plugin template uses Typescript and NPM, two standard tools in creating JavaScript applications.
First, download Node.js which comes with NPM. This will allow you to install TypeScript and other
libraries. You can find the download link here:
link redacted- nodejs dot org
Next, install TypeScript using the command:
npm install -g typescript
Finally, in the directory of your plugin, get the latest type definitions for the plugin API by running:
npm install --save-dev @figma/plugin-typings