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Fonts no longer working?

I’ve been using Instrument Sans and Instrument Serif for a while now and until recently its no longer working. I have the fonts installed in my fontbook and I’ve reinstalled them a few times. Anyone else run into this issue recently?

18 replies

  • Community Support
  • 1929 replies
  • January 12, 2024

Hey Kawaun, thank you for reaching out! Could you confirm that you’re seeing Missing font warning? If so, you’ll see this warning when you need to Manage Missing Fonts.

As stated there the most common reasons for missing fonts are:

  • Missing installed fonts:collaborators are using a local font, which you don’t have installed.
  • Conflicting versions: collaborators are using a different (older or newer) version of the font.
  • Missing font styles: Either the style was missing from a download, or you are using a different version of the font which doesn’t include that weight or style.

If you have this font already installed on your computer, you’ll need to either use our Desktop App or follow the instructions to Access local fonts on your computer to use local fonts in the browser.

If you’ve followed these instructions and are using the Desktop App, or seeing the notification that Local Fonts are enabled on your Figma account settings in the browser, then it’s possible that the font you have installed is not the same version as the one used in the File. To resolve this, we suggest you ask the File’s creator to send over the Font version used to create the File. Once you install this version, you’ll need to restart Figma to serve that version.

Alternately, if you want to use the version stored on your computer you can to select the correct weight in the toggle of that Missing Fonts warning menu. Please note this changes the font version for all editors on the File and so can generate the same error for any other editors who have a different version installed.

Please let me know if you have any other questions!

Hi, so i have the fonts installed on my macbook locally. It should appear under the fonts “installed by you” but i’m not seeing the fonts that i’ve installed in this list in Figma. thanks for the help!

  • Community Support
  • 1929 replies
  • January 16, 2024

If you don’t mind I can create a support ticket and our technical quality team can help you further. Would you like me to create a ticket on your behalf?

I’m having this same problem, except on my iPad Pro - my MacBook has the fonts I’ve installed. Weird!

  • Community Support
  • 1929 replies
  • January 18, 2024

Hey Crystal, I’d recommend here as well to reach out to our support team. They can investigate further.


Hi Gayani,
I have totally the same issue on my desktop Mac Figma app as well as on the web version (with Figma font helper). Neither reinstalling fonts nor reinstalling the Figma app didn’t help. Figma just doesn’t recognise any font installed by me, however, everything was fine nearly 6months earlier and I was able to use my installed fonts. Please, help me


  • Figmate
  • 1788 replies
  • February 13, 2024

Hi @Ira_Tokarchuk, Thanks for reaching out! On behalf of Gayani, I’m here for help!

If you’ve followed all the above instructions Gayani mentioned and are using the Desktop App, or seeing the notification that Local Fonts are enabled on your Figma account settings in the browser, then it’s possible that the font you have installed is not the same version as the one used in the File.
To resolve this, we suggest you ask the File’s creator to send over the Font version used to create the File. Once you install this version, you’ll need to restart Figma to serve that version.

Alternately, if you want to use the version stored on your computer you can to select the correct weight in the toggle of that Missing Fonts warning menu. Please note this changes the font version for all editors on the File and so can generate the same error for any other editors who have a different version installed.

If none of these help, can you please try and use these fonts (listed in the Missing Fonts modal) in a new file, in the Desktop app? This confirms that Figma can access fonts in your system font folder.

If you’re not able to access it there, please reach out our support team directly here:
Please make sure to use your Figma account email, attach the screenshots showing the folder the font is installed in, and where you’d expect to see it in your font picker in Figma.

Thank you!


hi! thanks for your response, but the recommendations above didn’t help me to solve the issue. Somehow Figma can’t see any fonts installed by me. A couple of months ago I didn’t have this issue, and created those files with the screenshot above
Will reach to the support team then

This is happening again! None of my custom system fonts are working. It happens after every update and there doesn’t seem to be any action into looking into a permanent fix into the issue. Can we please get some help with this?

yes please, this seems to happen after every single update and then randomly fixes itself which is curious

  • Figmate
  • 1788 replies
  • June 27, 2024

Hello @Kawaun_Harvey, Thank you for getting in touch. I have created a ticket for you with the number #1039348. Please update the ticket with your current information so our support team can assist you further.


Hi there. I am having the same problem. I don’t see any of the fonts on my MAC in Figma. I searched various other fonts that are in my font book and nothing shows in my Figma. Can anyone assist?

this image shows the folder to move fonts to as i can only post one image at a time.

Hello, iv found the problem, Figma is looking for fonts under library/fonts but fonts are installed under system/library/fonts when you install them normally through the default fontbook. so you need to move your fonts to library/fonts iv added some images for reference. you need to clear cache on Figma after moving your fonts @Gayani_S perhaps Figma can look at both folders instead of the one for fonts as this affects the font installer as well for local font access

  • Figmate
  • 1788 replies
  • August 1, 2024

Hello @jabu_hlungwani, I appreciate your help and insightful input!
If you’re willing, please share your idea in the “Share an Idea” category here: Share an idea - Figma Community Forum

  • 1 reply
  • August 20, 2024


For me I found a fix for MacOS in installing fonts globally (not just for one user). After I did that, Figma recognized those reinstalled fonts.

Rich Brilli
  • New Member
  • 1 reply
  • February 26, 2025

THANK YOU ​@SirPauls this has been plaguing me every time I open my laptop.

For others: installing fonts globally for all users by drag a copy of your OTF or TTF font file into the Macintosh HD / Library / Fonts folder, then restart Figma. This fixed my issue instantly, Figma now recognizes the fonts!


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