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interactive components only work in another designfile

  • August 16, 2024
  • 1 reply

Hello, I have an interesting issue.

I created an interactive component with variants. So I go to assets and insert the component into a frame. Now I go to present mode and the component is not working.

I then published the component and created a new designfile where i insert the component from the assetspanel into a frame and want to test it again. And now it works. How is that possible? It drives me nuts.

The component only works in a designfile where it was not created.

thank you very much in advance!

1 reply

  • Community Support
  • 2318 replies
  • August 21, 2024

Hi there,

Thank you for reaching out. I tried to replicate the issue but was unable to. Could you try below ?

Repair component connections

  1. Select a problem instance in a page
  2. The top left Figma icon > Quick Actions > Repair component connections

If the above does not not work, please try Regenerate all instances (slow)

  1. Select a problem instance in a page
  2. The top left Figma icon > Quick Actions > Regenerate all instances (slow)

If the issue still continues, could you submit a bug report detailing the steps that led to this issue? You can do so by following the link:



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