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Font Missing Problem

  • July 14, 2024
  • 1 reply



I’m having a font issue in Figma. So, here’s the problem.

I sometimes get the missing font issue in Figma even though the font is already installed on the system. This problem occurs on both the browser and the Windows app.

Looking for a solution to this problem.


1 reply

  • Community Support
  • 4595 replies
  • July 15, 2024

Hey @Adarsh_Goldar, sorry to hear this is happening!

The most common reasons for missing fonts are:

  • Missing installed fonts: collaborators are using a local font, which you don’t have installed.
  • Conflicting versions: collaborators are using a different (older or newer) version of the font.
  • Missing font styles: Either the style was missing from a download, or you are using a different version of the font which doesn’t include that weight or style.

Since it sounds like you already have this font already installed on your computer, be sure to follow the instructions to Access local fonts on your computer to use local fonts in the browser.

If you’re seeing the notification that Local Fonts are enabled on your Figma account settings in the browser, then it’s possible that the font you have installed is not the same version as the one used in the File.

To resolve this, if you’re not the original creator of the file, we suggest you ask the file’s creator to send over the Font version used to create the File. Once you install this version, you’ll need to restart Figma to serve that version.

Alternately, if you want to use the version stored on your computer you can to select the correct weight in the toggle of that Missing Fonts warning menu. Please note this changes the font version for all editors on the File and so can generate the same error for any other editors who have a different version installed.


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