I’m trying to animate a card that pops up on hover. However, if you look at the corners you can see it somewhat fades out and appears as the bigger one a few frames into the animation, same thing when going back to the normal state.
Apologies for wrong formatting, new to Figma and the forums!
So yes, what you noticed does happen as well(Which I think i could fix by just adjusting the component’s bounding box); however my biggest issue is that the animation is not a “constant growth” to the second variant’s size; instead it does this “constant growth” frame by frame until the end, it does it for a few frames at the start of the animation then skip to the final size instead of growing into it.
It’s a very small, few frames issues but i was wondering if there was a workaround or if perhaps I messed up in my prototyping.
Update for you @Neron – I showed support your recording, and they think it does look like there is something buggy going on with the animation. I’m going to DM you for next steps!