Why i still not got the UI3?

I joined ui3 waitlist early, but i still not got the UI3. And when will I got it?

Hey @_Duong , thanks for your interest in the UI3! Due to high interest, the waitlist quickly reached capacity and all available slots are now filled. The closed betas are underway for those who gained early access.

Thus, at this time, we are not manually adding anyone to either beta (UI3 and AI), but please stay tuned as both Figma AI and UI3 are rolling out gradually over the coming months.

For more information, please check this article:

Thank you for your patience! :pray:

It’s been 3 months! Don’t announce something to the general public you can’t deliver. Admit you all have botched this rollout, it’s obvious to anyone who is paying attention.


“It’s expected that any given Figma user could receive access to the betas at any time, including users who joined the waitlist after it reached capacity, belong to paid plans, or are admins.”

UNBELIEVABLE. This startup mentality Figma has going has to stop. At a professional level with large organizations using Figma, this is an absolute nightmare scenario. The best thing you guys could do is turn it on for everyone at this point and allow all to roll between the two versions and gather feedback that way - because I’m sure the PM’s who have viewer roles are giving you the BEST feedback they can right now (queue sarcasm), while all these designers are left out in the dust. Yet you want to build this iteration out to be the best yet? Then allow the people who actually can test it and get you the feedback to do so! This startup mentality has to come to an end sometime.