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Until last week, I was able to press ctrl + \ in order to show/hide the UI. I was also able to do ctrl + shift + \ to hide only the left panel. This shortcut was in addition to pressing the ` key on a UK keyboard layout.

Today, I found with great frustration that the first two shortcuts got removed. As a user, I wasn’t even notified about this, let alone asked whether I wanted this to happen. But the worst part of it is that now I can’t simply toggle the UI while I’m editing a text element, because the shortcut is the tilde key, (`)! So, I have to exit text editing, press tilde, and go back to my flow.

I work most of my time in Figma, so this workaround can actually add up to hours wasted per month. Plus, since the UI covers so much of the screen space on laptops, it’s arguably the most used shortcut for people like me, who work on their laptops nearly all the time.

I’m hoping you can understand why this is so frustrating. It simply makes no sense the Figma team would do this on purpose.

Can you please revert this, or provide us with the ability of having custom keyboard shortcuts? It’s 2024 guys. We’ve been asking for custom keyboard shortcuts since 2021, if not earlier.


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