1. Describe the bug/issue you’re running into?
When I copy and paste a flow from FigJam into Figma, there is unexpected behavior whether flows show up or stay connected inside of Frames and Components. It seems the main issue is that connectors don’t stay connected inside of components, and FigJam flow elements don’t want to be placed inside of components.
It also seems like Figma doesn’t know what to do with connectors that are not linked to a node on a Frame.
My example shows many frames that have multiple connectors because of multiple touchpoints and paths on each screen.
2. Are you able to consistently reproduce it? If so what are the steps?
Trying to bring flow into Figma Frame
- Copy flow from FigJam
- Paste into Figma on canvas.
- Try to drag into frame. SUCCESS!
- Either select all elements and create a Frame from selection, or select destination frame and then paste into selection. SUCCESS!
Trying to bring flows into a Figma Component
- Copy flow from FigJam
- Paste into Figma on canvas.
- Try to drag into a component. Elements don’t nest into Component Frame by dragging.
- Either select all elements and create a Frame from selection, or drag it into another frame, then drag or paste that frame into component.
Most of the elements and connectors come in fine, but many connectors don’t end up in the frame, AND you cannot move the frame with the flow around inside of the component or the connectors get out of alignment if they are not hooked up to a frame node.
AND there’s no way to connect these connectors to new nodes inside of these frames or components, because they seem to jump to the nearest node of the highest parent frame. And there’s no flexibility to try and expand or change a connector into a simple vector line.
3. Share a screenshot, recording, console log, link to the file, etc.
4. Is the issue only happening in desktop app or a specific browser , or both?
I’ve only tested in Figma desktop app.
5. What OS/version and/or browser/version are you using?
MacOS Catalina 10.15.7