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I often use constraints option when I work with my design but now with the new beta UI Figma I didn’t find it now It’s hard to make my design responsive without having to option this, not only hard, it’s impossible without having that, why are you taking it away?, I prefer the old Ui Figma when you come across to change your UI just don’t take away features.

It’s here now

11-10-2024 173024

I too am struggling with the constraints panel. The icon that @nellya highlighted is not appearing in my panel. Anyone else having this issue?

Hey @peggi_jeung1, sorry for the confusion!

@Nellya is correct. Keep in mind that you can apply constraints to any layer within a frame.

Be sure you’ve selected the layer in a frame in order for the Constraints icon to appear.

Hi @dvaliao - the icon does not appear at all. It doesn’t matter what I click on 😦

Can you share a screenshot or a video? Or maybe a link to the file with the name of problematic element?

i dont understand this new update i cant find the union, exclude, subtract selection options can anyone help me with that

The solutions above miss one thing—top level frames cannot have constraints, only elements or frames within the frame. Just in case anyone was clicking on their page wrapper and wondering why it won’t show.

As I can see it works with autolayouts on my mac
and doesn’t work on frames

or what’s wrong with me?
