Hello everyone!! Pulling my hair out. I have a series of photos I want the user to choose from. The user clicks on the photo, and it cycles through photos.
After that point in the user flow, all recurring instances display that photo.
HOWEVER i want to disable the ability for the user to click on that photo to change it in any following instance.
How do I do this?? Thank you so much to anyone who can answer!!! =D =D
Hey thx for the reply. I’ve attached a screenshot of the user flow. The user clicks on the avatar to choose which one they want. That avatar should follow them through the rest of the user flow. That part works. But in the subsequent screens they shouldn’t be able to change the avatar any more (except in their profile settings). I’ve tried taking out the interactions, putting a shape and frame layer on top of the avatar to block the interaction etc. Nothing works. Is there a way to use variables in the parent component to keep the selected photo the same throughout all following child iterations?
Hi Raphael, no, they click the image and it changes in place. Each click changes to a new image. The image is set up as a component set, on click change to the next image variant. The instance of the image component set that was placed on the first page is duplicated, and that child instance is placed on each subsequent page.
Unfortunately, that doesn’t work, because there is only one component set being referenced. And if I delete the interactions for that instance in the properties menu, for whatever reason, it is still clickable. And if I choose a new interaction for that instance “on tap” and “none”, it still overrides that and refers back to the original component set.
Aside from navigating on the click function, add another function that sets the disable variable to true. And on the second frame add a function that sets the disable variable to false on the back button.