Its sometimes hard to make these forums posts useful because Figma changes happen randomly with no warning, sometimes its hard to clock exactly what the change has been because they’re so subtle, sometimes it appears to be a bug but is actually just a deliberate change.
Its also impossible to go back and check how things worked in previous version - which can make it hard to describe exactly what the problem is. You eventually get used to these changes but still feel you’ve been slowed down for no real reason - and forum posts go unreplied to.
Latest thing is the way that rearranging (via drag and drop) works in auto layout. Theres something ‘smoother’ and less ‘clicky’ about it - its harder to see exactly where an element is going to land when you’re rearranging, the blue line that denotes that seems to only appear when you’re moving it with its parent frame and not from one frame to another. The priority seems to have been making it more WYSIWYG style, trying to give us an exact representation of what it will look like when we let go of the mouse button - but I would prefer the reassurance of the blue line, I can imagine what its going to look like when the element is rearranged.
This is in addition to the annoying thing where you can’t seem to put an element inside a new frame if its wider than the frames current width - even if that frame is set to Hug
and therefore could just expand to the width of the added element plus padding. I’m sure at some point this was not the case. Maybe going back years – again its very hard to keep track of these changes and what went wrong when. I’m still annoyed that Top, Bottom and Left, Right padding settings we’re separated and I think that happened in 2022 - still slower than I was then to this day.