Relinking variants of a component?

I create a component and then I create a 2nd variant and e.g. change a colour or add an stroke/border around the variant. If I later want to make changes to say the padding, I go into my primary variant and make the change but it does not automatically update the 2nd variant - I have to adjust the padding in that one too. It’s like the link between the primary variant and its sibling has been completely severed.

In a tool like Framer, you create a 2nd variant off a primary variant and then, other than the one thing you change (e.g. stroke), all the other properties remain linked to the primary variant so I can go in and change the padding on the primary variant and the 2nd variant automatically updates. If I were to go into the 2nd variant and change something else, the primary variant wouldn’t update.

I find this behaviour so much more intuitive so I wondered if there is a way to link variants in Figma back to the primary variant?