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Pen tool is not working properly

I am unable to use Figma Pen Tool as it is not working properly. The few times, it draws line when dragged and single clicked, but most of the times it does not.

The dragged end must appear round when dragged, however, it turns out to be flat (square shaped) and when I single click, the line disappears.

I have tried to use this pen tool on both Browser (Chrome) and Figma desktop Application, but got same issue both the times.

I have never used any Design Tool and I am totally new to this field, hence totally frustrated. Please suggest.

12 replies

  • 1 reply
  • February 28, 2024

Hi, I’m also having this issue. Could somebody reply to advise how to fix this or what need to do differently?


  • Community Support
  • 1935 replies
  • March 1, 2024

Hey everyone, apologies if this has been impacting your work! I wasn’t unable to reproduce this bug on my end. Please let me know if I am missing a step?

Are you able to share a screen recording with me?

I’d recommend to Force-quit and open Figma in a new browser window. And for the desktop app Force-quit the Figma Desktop app and restart it. Additionally, please try clearing the cache in the desktop app.

Also, please check out our Help Center article to see if you have the minimum requirement for the browser and the operating system (OS):

Thank you in advance!

try double click when your on the ending spot

  • Community Support
  • 1935 replies
  • March 8, 2024

Hey @Lotan_Goldman, you’re absolutely right! I am able to reproduce this bug on my end. Let me ask internally if the team is aware of this bug.

I’ll give an update soon, appreciate your patience in the meantime!

  • Community Support
  • 1935 replies
  • March 13, 2024

Hey everyone, apologies for the delayed response. I’ve checked in with the team and they’ve confirmed that this this seems to be an expected behaviour. So there might be a slight misunderstanding of how to use the pen tool with specific mouse/touchpad click inputs.

  • If you click once (mouse down + mouse up) it drops a vector node, then moving the cursor will position your next vector node to position. Clicking once again will drop the second node.
  • If you click and hold (mouse down only and hold it) to drop a vector node, moving the cursor will position the handle that controls bending the curve of the vector with respect to the first node. Once letting go of the hold, it will drop the handle, and moving the cursor will position your next vector node

Could you please confirm what granular inputs you’re doing with your mouse/touchpad and in what order? i.e. mouse down → mouse up vs mouse down → hold and move → mouse up

I’ve shared my screen recording and the team has confirmed that the behavior when double clicking seems intentional. It seems to be a small shortcut for selecting the shape. When finishing drawing the last node dropps without having to switch back to the selection tool just to make a selection.

Let me know if something is unclear, happy to clarify. Thanks in advance!

  • 1 reply
  • March 23, 2024

Hiya! I was finally able to create a simple arrow using the click once technique. Thank you for explaining!

Dear Gayani,

I have the same issue as Ravi. Figma Pen tool does not work properly and I can’t connect the lines, a line drawn disappears. I quit the app and cleared the cache and I have the same problem. Can you please assist me?

  • Community Support
  • 1935 replies
  • August 7, 2024

Hey @Maria_Chopko, thank you for reaching out!

Are you able to share a screen recording so I can understand what you’re seeing on your end when you say “a line drawn disappears”? Also can you describe the steps you take, so I can try to replicate this on my end?

Thank you in advance!

Screenshot 2024-08-08 at 12.59.23

When I draw the line with the pen tool (located on the bottom panel), one side of the line has a square point and another one has round one, after that when I press enter, the line disappears

  • Community Support
  • 1935 replies
  • August 8, 2024

Thanks @Maria_Chopko for sharing a screenshot! Indeed, this looks like a potential bug.

Is it happening in the browser, desktop app or both?

Can you try clear out the cache? Please follow these steps for the desktop app: Clear desktop app cache

Also, please try to force-quit and open Figma in a new browser window (or force-quit the Figma Desktop app and restart it.)

Please let me know if this resolves the issue, happy to help out further!

Dear Gayani,

it is in the desktop version, I quit the app, even updated Figma and cleared desktop app cache, but I face the same issue again. What can do I else?

  • Community Support
  • 1935 replies
  • August 12, 2024

Hey @Maria_Chopko, thank you for confirming this!
I’ve just created a support ticket on your behalf. Your ticket number is #1091812, for reference. Please download Figma’s desktop app debug logs and share it with the support team.

Our support team usually takes up to 24 hours to reply back to emails - tends to be quicker than that in normal circumstances. However, please be aware that we are facing increased contact volume so there might be a delay.

Appreciate your patience in the meantime!


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