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I cant display animation on the screen and picture of the frame is located on the left side

Select the appropriate device in the Prototype tab and place the component instance in the frame.

Figma Help Center

it means i have no rights to preview prototyping in preview mode ?

This means that you need to prototype correctly in order for it to work in Presentation mode.

I found similar problem

In your screenshot, I see that you placed the Component Set in the frame, not an instance of that component.

Please do what I wrote:

And try playing Presentation mode again or reloading the tab.

I place the component instance in the frame and nothing I think it must be that bug of figma

Could you share a link to a file or prototype?

Figma – 22 Oct 22
Figma – 22 Oct 22

this is correct

There is no component instance in your file.

Figma Help Center

I need to do the animation in that way

see from 24 sec

Please follow the steps in the video and read the Help Center article above on how to create a component instance.

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