Multiple hover issue (interaction repeat in reverse)


I am working on a website and have a current issue with my prototype. When I have multiple elements side by side with a hover interaction, upon leaving these components, the interaction repeats in reverse very quickly (one frame, I guess).

I understand the logic because it’s a hover; when I move the mouse away from the component, Figma wants to “go back” to the default state. However, when I move from one hover element to another, Figma go back and go back and go back…

Do you have any tips to avoid that? I’ve created a Figma prototype if anyone wants to test it.

Someone already addressed this question, but the answer is not visible anymore.

Any ideas are helpful. Thank you very much!

Thanks for reaching out. As you mentioned, Figma will return the user to the original frame when they move the cursor off the hotspot. You can find more details here: Figma Prototype Triggers.

I thought the Mouse Enter/Leave actions might help you achieve this, but it could be a bit more complicated. I’m also curious to see how others are handling this.
