First of all, it is very neat to have this feature in Figma, it made me switch from our company standard (powerpoint sighs) to Figma Slides (or is it Slide Deck?).
The possibility to add interactivity, such as polls, is great! And sure, removing the background, changing mode (dark/light), is very neat. But, we are still designers.
To put it into user stories:
As a designer I want to be able to change the default font and theme colours for a slide deck (after all, we are all bound to use templates we didn’t design)
As a designer I want to be able to style the poll components (and to hide components I don’t want to use, such as vote count)
As a designer I want to create my own templates
As a designer I would like to import powerpoint/keynote template files (which of course I have to tweak in order for it to be correct)
Hiya @Ties! Thanks for taking the time to send us your thoughts - a designer’s perspective is always helpful for us to improve
Overall, it sounds like customization is the theme of your feedback. This is definitely something that’s being worked on during this beta period, and I’ll also make sure to get your feedback relayed internally. We are also working on adding the ability to create slide decks as resources on our community site.
A quick note on templates in general – it is possible to create custom templates for use across an organization, but we are still working on improving this as well. See here for details.
Hey @ksn, that’s nice and all, but our UX/UI department is just me at the moment, but some of my colleagues might also be interested in using Figma Slides, as they then can add my prototypes to a presentation without having to leave the presentation environment during the presentation (although, there is a slight problem when having more than one prototype in the slide deck, it somehow loads the same prototype)