“For one week starting this April Fun Day” but why only for a limited time? In almost the same breath the article states:
“There’s no visual metaphor for personal expression quite like a cursor blinking in a brave new document, or zooming around a shared canvas. In Figma and FigJam, cursors signify multiplayer collaboration. These avatars don’t just design and build, but also chat, emote, and high five. They’re how we see and relate to each other thanks to—not in spite of—our screens.”
I’d like to see customer cursors stay past this April fun week.
Agreed! Please let us keep it. It adds some fun and delight to the work day 🤩
Agreeeeeeeee! Please keep this function. It make my miserable life less miserable. My dead body would feel warmer if I know I can use the funny cat cursor for the rest of my life. Also what’s the point of spend so much time design and develop a fun function and take it away from customers?
I Agree tooo! I made a petition for this 😆
and I hope I have your support!!!
Sign it here https://chng.it/k2f7FngNQq
Fun function, yes. I would’ve preferred a different one - the ability to redirect file URLs. Re-organizing a growing team and set of files is painful 😦
Please no. Let’s not pollute a professional design tool with entertainment nonsense
It could even just be something that’s local to the user and not seen by other people in files if they wanted to maintain cleanliness
my friend just had Figma crash because of this and was getting an error when entering Figma

Let’s not ignore that you can always turn the feature off if you don’t like it 🙂
“Let’s not have fun at work” type vibe
Please can we keep it I want to be the huh cat forever 😭
How about let’s give people some options. You can turn this function off if you hate it.
They’re cool but it’s quite problematic to be side by side with the avatars on top right. Now I keep looking at that thinking that there’s someone in the file. Maybe changing the position? Everyone learned the feature already.
Don’t be a sourpuss, you can’t see other custom cursors unless you turn it on.
I agree with Slava here, what nonsense this feature is. And we don’t even have a fully functional “multiple strokes” feature yet… Would be nice if they focus on stuff we actually need instead of bunnies in the interface.
Plus one! Please keep the cursors!
Bruh, such a cool feature that brings joy and sets a positive mood even in the work field. And - you can turn it off. As a designer, I am utterly in love with this option for customization and felt kinda sad when today I opened Figma and didn’t see it. It’s not functional, but it makes you smile. And that’s another thing I like about it. So why so serious?
PLEASE LET US KEEP IT it made my day a little brighter T_T
That literally helps brighten any situation, even if it seems “stupid” to some and may have caused some issues and bugs, I’d still prefer if they stayed! It honestly helped bring a little joy to some meetings in the last couple of days, not only among team designers but other team members as well! When my team and I were having our last meeting of the week, we were all saddened by the absence of our custom cursors. ):
I really do not need bunnies in the interface to keep me joyful and positive 😃 So I’d rather they focus on stuff we actually need, this is just resources wasted on something temporary… I still want basic stuff like hovering over “Selection colors” to give a tooltip with the actual color. Basic things like this should work first (before the temporary bunnies) 😛
+1! Please keep the cursors!
Pretty prettttyyy pleeeeeease 😇
There are two types of people according to this comment section:
joyful, fun and merry people that love what they do and love a little speck of custom cursors to choose from to enlighten their collaboration with others for the laughs
angry boring people working in pragmatic corporates in cubicles (probably) who really hate life, fun, joy and therefore custom cursors
Everyone on my team was having fun with these. No reason to remove a feature that can already be toggled on and off, put custom cursors back in!