Launched: Figma Dark Mode/Theme

I think it’s a good idea :+1:
It occurred to me to make this version with the Windows 11 interface:

All Mica Desing:


Can you elaborate what dark theme plugins you’re talking about and how it is unsafe? So we could avoid them if what you’re saying is true.

Hi, can you make a video instructions on how to make figma ui dark mode? It will be really helpful😊

I suggest you open a new thread for this

I am here to enforce the fact that I really miss a dark mode in Figma. I do not work at night but my office is quite dark and working in Figma makes my head burst :exploding_head:. It would also be great in FigmaJam, because, yes same thing. I try to fix it by using huge dark squares on the canvas… but let’s face it, not ideal.
:expressionless: << my face while using Figma.

Why would I open a whole new thread on this forum if I just want him to answer my question? :man_shrugging: It would be a huge help if he answers though cause if not means he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

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Please can you tell how you did it?

I believe he refers to the Figma Plus and that was removed form Figma library 2 years ago

So Figma team know that we need the Dark theme option over 2 years ago and until now no signs of Dark theme :sleepy:
Here prove that they know that we need it

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Really? Still no dark mode? I discovered that not only it helps with eye-strain but also with focus: instead of the whole screen having a pure white glow, with dark mode, the only elements that have a strong glow are text and artboards (if you keep them white). As I work on Linux, I have limited options (I don’t enjoy using a browser for Figma, as the Dark Reader extension isn’t 100% reliable, the web interface has no file tabs, and also I hate being reliant on an Internet connection). I now use a third-party app - Figma Linux, which has different themes but the files take forever to open:

A great alternative to Figma would be Penpot - It’s open-source (so if developers don’t want to add your feature, you can just copy the source code and make a clone of the app), sadly it’s still in development (but has dark mode from the beginning!):

Also a promising app is Akira (open-source), which is in alpha (not usable for work yet), has dark mode and works offline:

Gravit designer could be nice too - if it didn’t have a yearly subscription. The free version works only in the browser, premium has a desktop app. It is a usable vector design app, not aimed purely at UI design, thus it lacks prototyping features. It’s not open source (like Figma, sadly), but has dark mode (unlike Figma):


I know people dicussed this before but c’mon, I’m tired. I can’t stand the light mode. I don’t want to use 3rd party extensions, plus, I’m using the desktop app not web app. Is it that really hard to do? Please, give us dark theme. I love Figma and I don’t want to switch to anything else.


I think that the site could be improved if there was a dark mode. As it is with the lighter theme the site is causing eye strain for myself and others that I know. However having a dark mode would reduce the amount of eye strain, and make working on longer projects more pleasant.

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After all these years no dark mode, pathetic


I think it is more realistic to wait a couple of years for a Figma alternative.


The fact that Figma still doesn’t support dark mode 3.5 years after it was released on MacOS is so upsetting :pleading_face:

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Same here!
I plan to switch from Sketch to Figma months ago. Then i test and no dark mode.
Today i install Figma in hope of dark mode. But still no dark mode.

How can i install for mac?
please elaborate in detail.

Can you please elaborate how you did that?
I am on mac.

Dear devs, what’s so seriously wrong with You? You’re adding massive updates and changes like on a treadmill, but still ignore this years lasting request from Your community?

Aren’t You suppose to be the ones who listen to their community? It’s super annoying that Your App doesn’t support dark theme, I mean when You create a design app anywhere between 2015 - 2021, You create it first in Dark Mode, secondly You can stick it up with white eye retina destroying theme, if You want.

So seriously, what is wrong with You?


This is a request to please release an official version of dark mode for Figma. Sometimes we wok late at night and the white screen seems to be too harsh for the eyes at times. Being an avid dark mode user, expected Figma also had the same.

Would request to ship this dark mode feature out at the earliest possible. I am sure that there would be manny others awaiting the same as me.

Thank you and take care :slight_smile: