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Issues with items not collapsing inside auto layout


I am trying to get my buttons to collapse to a new line inside of a fixed-width auto layout but for the life of me can’t figure it out or find tutorials for it.

I am certain there is a quick solve here I am not seeing!

Best answer by Agustin_Posse

Hi there.
Currently (and unfortunately) there isn’t a feature for content-wrap. You will need to create a new row of buttons below that initial row, and perhaps have the first row with 3 buttons and the second row with 2 buttons.
Also you could add documentation for developers to indicate that you want to apply content-wrap, perhaps when the parent container hits 800px width.

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Sorry this image might be clearer regarding the issue.


Hi there.
Currently (and unfortunately) there isn’t a feature for content-wrap. You will need to create a new row of buttons below that initial row, and perhaps have the first row with 3 buttons and the second row with 2 buttons.
Also you could add documentation for developers to indicate that you want to apply content-wrap, perhaps when the parent container hits 800px width.


a dang - alright thank you

  • June 9, 2023

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