Is student registration necessary

Do students have to register for my team in order to use my figjams? I just came to FigJam since Jamboard is being closed down and I’m trying to get used to using it. I used to be able to post a link on my Canvas page and the students could open it up and use it. I would prefer to do that without having them sign up for my team FigJam. Sometimes, I don’t want one class to see the link until I start using it in class. For example, if I’m asking them to brainstorm evidence to support a thesis, I don’t want them opening up what an earlier class did and seeing their answers.

Can I just have a link that I share with them at the right time without their joining my team?

Hey @Betsy_Newmark, thank you for reaching out and for your feedback.

Your students need a Figma account to access Figma design and FigJam files.
The Education plan is team-specific, so you can invite students, educators, and other collaborators to your team at any time. However, new team members have seven days to verify their email address and education status. After seven days, Figma will restrict their access to the team and they will need to manually verify their education status.

Regarding your second question"I don’t want one class to see the link until I start using it in class", this is not possible at this moment. However, you could create a project where only you have access to it. Create news files and before the class starts you could move the file and give access to the students. You can find more information in our Help Center on how to move files:

Please let me know if this clears your question or if you have any further questions.