I’m new to Figma. I found a public Figma file https://www.figma.com/file/J1p6DAKmH2oD0W3qLmTOPU/Material-3-Design-Kit-(Community)?type=design&node-id=54061-36958&mode=design&t=tz1Xo5DCMrifi1ed-0 and would like to use elements from it in my projects, but I cannot figure out how to do it properly.
First, I cannot import it in my project because I don’t know how to do it. So I opened it in another browser tab.
Second, if I copy something from there, it seems to lose connection to its dependent components. For example, in the original file I can swap icon of the Menu component with any other icon provided by the kit, but if I copy this menu, I cannot swap icons anymore, even if I copy icons themselves.
So how to do it?