πŸ”΄ How to Copy page from one Figma file to another?

There is a user flow of the app screen page present in the Figma file and in that same file there is Design System page which have foundation and important component this was done by earlier designer who was working on this file now I want to transfer the user flow page to the new Figma file how can I do this please anybody help :sleepy:

Please somebody help URGENT!!!

Cmd + A, Cmd + C, Cmd + V

(or ctrl on windows)

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Thanks for the reply @Gleb
This is just copying layers which are availables in page, whole copying and pasting page not working on windows

You can’t copy pages. There is no functional difference between copying the page and copying all the nodes on the page. You get the same result.

ok Thanks mate for the help :slight_smile: