I used some components from other files in my project, and even though I removed them, I still see some Variables available in the “Page → Modes”. They are not available anywhere else. It doesn’t affect the project; when I select one, change the page, and then return to it, that mode is selected.
I checked my file, and nothing leads to the other file anymore – no styles, variables, components, etc.
It seems like a bug, and I see some variables pulled from another file, but can I remove it somehow?
That’s the thing with variables. Once assigned they stay there forever unless you break the link manually. Right the only way it to find rogue layers and remove bound var by hand, very frustrating.
The problem is that there is no link between the “ghost” variables in my layers and pages.
Also, I don’t like that when you apply a mode to a page or a layer, there is no option to remove it - but here, I guess it’s the same as setting it to the “default” mode.
Weird, but it’s gone now. I didn’t change anything, and when I returned to my computer today, I saw it’s not there anymore. So maybe the file needed to refresh, and it just took longer than it should?
If this doesn’t work, it’s likely that old variables are still being referenced in some nodes on the canvas. If you’re able to share your file with us, our Technical Quality team can help you locate them: https://help.figma.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
Please be sure to use your Figma account email, include a link to the file, and share edit access with support-share@figma.com.
Hello! I’m having serious issues with not being able to get rid of old/ghost variables (variable modes that have been deleted). Figma has been extremely silent about this but it seems to be a massive issue.
We have tried everything previously suggested on forums but these variables modes that are now deleted will not disappear.
Please can someone provide some clarity or help with this?! Driving me mad!
Hey @Issy_Raine! We reported this as an issue with our engineering team a short while back.
We asked for an update, and they’re working to get a fix/update out that applies to this issue. I don’t have an exact date at the moment, but can confidently say this is being addressed internally (and actively).
Sorry I don’t have an alternative solution or workaround at the moment, but I wanted to make sure you were acknowledged with an update.
Any progress here @ksn ? I am also having troubles with this.
How would I be able to identify where the ghost variable is applied?
Leads to sleepless night already
I worked many hours on my file to get something clean and now, just by copying a few components from an old one, my world has collapsed lol. Thanks to the dev team for the future update, right now I’m in extreme frustration mode.
If there was just the possibility, with an “-” icon, to delete the ghost variables and have them recover their initial property, that would be awesome.
We had a call with a Figma engineer. There is no way to get rid of the ghost variables other than getting Figma support to manually remove them for you apparently?! They also admitted that there’s a lot of bugs. IDK about you guys but we’re really struggling with modes and variables…
Hey all! I know there’s an update that should address this, but I don’t know when exactly it’s going to roll out. If I get an update from engineering, I’ll add it here.