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Oh boy this could have caused a lot of headaches if I didn’t catch this…

I do not have “Simple Design System” from Figma added to this file as a library, as indicated by the not-selected “Add to file” button:

(the only reason I see it in the library list at all is cause I took the screenshot after dragging in the wrong component)

I did a search for the “textarea” component that we have in our own custom design system that IS added as a library, and this is what I saw:

No red flags yet, doesn’t say which library this belongs to, naturally I assumed this was our textarea component

I dragged it in and now it tells me where it came from (very easy to miss though)

I appreciate whatever Figma’s trying to do to help here but I need to neeeeever ever ever see this design system. I don’t know why it came up when I searched in the Assets panel. Removing that one instance of the component removes any mention of Simple Design System, but if I search for components again it will still bring up those components from the wrong design system.

How do I ensure that nothing from “Simple Design System” ever comes up in the assets panel?

Thanks in advance!

(edit to add: We had a Demo the other day and I’m pretty sure the Figma team shared the Simple Design System library file with us to show how components are set up, so I’ve likely opened the file before I just need to figure out how to… remove it? from something? lol

I used a instance finder plugin to ensure there are absolutely no instances of any component from “Simple Design System” in my file, but removing instances will not remove the design system)

Hi there,

I’m sorry to hear that it’s confusing!

By default, three libraries, known as UI Kits, are listed to help you kickstart your designs. UI Kits are collections curated by Figma and its partners, and you can find them in the Assets tab of your Figma Design files.

These UI Kits include high-quality components, styles, variables, and example screens to jump-start your projects, even if you don’t have your own design system. They function just like any other library in Figma, allowing you to easily drag assets onto your canvas directly from the Assets tab.

The three available UI Kits are:

  1. iOS and iPadOS 18 by Apple

  2. Material 3 Design Kit by Google

  3. Simple Design System by Figma

If you don’t need any of these, you can try right-clicking on the library in the design panel to remove it. Once removed, the library shouldn’t appear in the Assets tab.

I hope this helps clarify things! You can also check out this link for more information:

Figma Learn - Help Center



Thanks for your help Toku!

The issue I’m having is that the “Simple Design System” library already does not appear in my Asset panel, so I can’t right click to remove it. Figma just updated yesterday or the day before so maybe something changed.

I think my problem is I really want to search “All* libraries” cause it’s time consuming to keep switching this filter:

But by “all” libraries, I mean the ones I linked to this file, not literally any library in existence. Before the update I thought “All libraries” meant the ones I linked to the file and/or ones I have instances of components from. But Simple Design System seems to have come out of nowhere.

Like I wanna remove it… harder? LOL idk

Or I guess we need to stop using the “All libraries” search filter option if we want to keep outside components out and only use our internal ones?

Sorry a few more screenshots just to make sure we’re talking about the same thing. This is my entire asset panel:

This is the library window, I can’t scroll down any further so this is everything:

No sign of “Simple Design System”

And this is what I get when I search for “textarea” (we had a typo in our textarea component, so the Simple Design System’s is the only one that comes up)

Is this a bug? The fact that it’s showing up at all, and/or the fact that the library name is hidden?

I would waaaay rather get a “no results” message so I know to go see what’s wrong with our component & why it’s not showing up in search. I don’t want any outside components sneaking in to my file. At the very least, the library name should be visible so I know where it came from.

I think I figured it out! I need my admin to disable this setting, right?

My apology for the delayed response. Yes, you’re right! You can toggle it for your entire organization using the admin settings.

Figma Learn - Help Center



This is so ungodly annoying lol. Why is this on by default and buried in the settings? Thank you KellyK for finding the setting!

Edit: I figured it out after reading the help center article properly, sorry😅 for my use case, I need to enable the “UI Kits” settings in the Admin panel, and then go to a different Team Settings panel (All projects → Team name → View settings → Libraries), and disable these UI Kits by default. 


Hi ​@y_toku, could you please help me understand the following? 

I would like to have the default UI Kits *available*, but not *enabled* by default in all files. Because right now, if I disable them from the team admin panel, it seems that I can’t ever enable them at all on a file-by-file basis (unless I duplicate their respective Community files and publish them as a team library). Is my understanding correct, or am I missing some setting?

Thank you! 🙏
